
TIA: “Before I started training with Kate, I didn't think I would ever make a habit of going to the gym. Now, not only do I workout regularly, I'm also able to plan and develop my own programs. The discomfort from my scoliosis has always caused me hesitation when it comes to physical activity, but that isn't the case anymore, and I feel stronger both physically and mentally.

Working with Kate has surpassed my expectations. I've gained so much from her thoughtful and client-centred approach. She's also just a lovely person to be around, so there's that too!”

KATE: "I first met Tia in July of 2017. Over the past year, we have been working together on increasing muscle mass, understanding and performing proper movement mechanics, and improving imbalances partially caused by mild scoliosis. We are mindful about loading the spine since it's not oriented in it's typical vertical column. We focus on proper activation of muscle groups when performing loaded lifts. Upper body, lower body and core strength have all increased dramatically and she is much more confident in and out of gym setting. She recognizes that spending time working on herself is a catalyst for great performances at work, and great relationships with others. She can always be seen sticking around after sessions doing all of her stretches and recovery work. 

Then, Tia expressed an interest in learning how to periodize her own programs, so that became a big focus in our sessions. This is a big step and she's shown initiative and enthusiasm to learn how she can continue to sustain quality training and become the strongest version of herself. She is now creating her own programs and we touch base to make sure exercise and phase selection are appropriate and to clarify any questions she has. I have no doubt she will continue to progress and strive for greatness. 

Tia has been such a pleasure to work with. Not only are we birthday buddies, we share a love of music and singing as well. Sweet and funny, Tia always demonstrates a willingness to improve and learn...these qualities will take her far in life.