Renewing Your Commitment to Building Stronger Immunity
Life gets busy. Our commitments to self can take a backseat sometimes, and we can lose sight of where we’re going. It’s also very common to take on the role of caretaker of others, whether that’s children, parents, grandparents, pets, friends…the list goes on. It’s not an easy thing to take time for yourself, or voice your own needs if they are perceived as less important than the needs of others.
So if you feel like you’ve lost your way, or need the courage to renew your commitment to yourself, you can use these affirmations to help guide you:
“It’s ok to take care of myself.”
“My needs are as important as others.”
“I will do something to increase my immunity each day.”
Here are some ideas of small steps you can take to do something for yourself each day and build some momentum:
Take quiet rest time or a short nap
Go for a walk outside
Do an online yoga class
Drink water
Cook a homemade meal
Read a few pages of a book
Take your vitamins
Draw or paint or listen to music
Share a laugh with a friend
Go to bed early